Inverto Essential Quad LNB

38,00 лв.
  • Cat No: InvertoEssentialQuad
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Specifically designed for the DTH markets worldwide, this high quality LNB provides greater immunity against terrestrial/4G interferences and optimized reception capabilities allowing operators to reliably deliver their service to their subscribers at guaranteed quality. This LNB enables signal reception from one satellite and its distribution to up-to 4 single tuner Set-top boxes (or 2 in the case of a twin-tuner STB), optimized for High-Definition transmissions and provides excellent Noise Figure performance. Manufactured to the highest industry quality standards and designed to meet strict specifications, this LNB is an ideal solution for receiving satellite broadcast around the globe.

Main Features

• Low Phase Noise, DVB-S2 (HDTV) compliant

• Low Noise Figure

• Low Power Consumption

• High Cross Polarization Isolation

• High Frequency Stability

• Greater immunity against 4G interferences

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Inverto Essential Quad LNB

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